Igra se po pravilih veljavnih za tekmovanja kategorij U14 pri KZS z naslednjimi razlikami.
Igra se z žogo velikosti 7.
Igra se 5 na 5 igralcev v polju.
V prvi četrtini trenerja izbereta polovico prijavljenih igralcev, ki ima pravico nastopa v prvi četrtini.
Druga polovica igralcev iz seznama nastopa v drugi četrtini.
V drugem polčasu lahko nastopajo vsi igralci prijavljeni za tekmo.
Igralni čas 4 x 8 minut kosmate igre, zadnji dve minuti se ura ustavlja kot pri čisti igri.
Odmor med 1-2 in 3-4 četrtino je dolg 2 minuti, polčas je dolg 5 minut.
Bonus je 7 osebnih napak.
Vsaka ekipa ima 1 minuto odmora na polčas.
V primeru neodločenega izida po 4. četrtini ali koncu podaljška se igra podaljšek 4 minute.
Ni napake vrnitve žoge v zadnje polje.
Ekipa ima lahko registriranih 14 igralcev.
Prepovedano je postavljanje blokov.
Vsi igralci imajo pravico nastopa v vseh četrtinah.
It is played according to the rules valid for U14 category competitions at KZS with the following differences.
It is played with a size 7 ball.
It is played 5 on 5 players in the field.
In the first quarter, the coaches select half of the registered players who have the right to play in the first quarter.
The other half of the players on the roster appear in the second quarter.
All players registered for the match can play in the second half.
Playing time 4 x 8 minutes of "rough" play, the last two minutes the clock is stopped as in "clean" play.
The break between 1-2 and 3-4 quarter is 2 minutes long, half time is 5 minutes long.
The bonus is 7 personal fouls.
Each team has a 1-minute halftime break.
In the event of a tie after the 4th quarter or the end of overtime, a 4-minute overtime is played.
There is no error of returning the ball to the backcourt.
A team can have 14 players registered.
Placing blocks/screens is prohibited.